File Editor my favourite text editor pfe101i This
editor is simply the greatest but it's not just for
programmer's, I have tried them all most of Globel
was built in this editor application built by Alan
Phillips 1992 - 1999, it is a relatively simple editor
that is small in size small on memory consumption
and yet loads and edits huge files beyond the scope
of notepad and most other file editors, it's not fancy
or necessarily helpful in body tags and inserting
bits of code but it is fast and efficient and very
easy to use, best part is it's FREE and always will
be and unfortunately beyond me is no longer supported.
Alan Phillips decided not to pursue the file editor
any further, if for some reason my own stops working
I will build another just like it of course with his
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For windows 95/98/me etc……
For windows 3.1 and windows for workgroups etc……